Journey true recorded Male to Female surgery

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12 月 2023
Credit: Discovery Communications PTE LTD. Published on Dec. 21, 2015. Country of production: Vietnam. Directed by Tran Phuong Thao & Swann Dubus. Executive producer: Gerald Herman. Producer: Nicole Pham.

Finding Phong.

Film excerpt series “Find” tells of the journey of the light switch. This is the size the movie extremely vivid and true recorded during two years 2013-2015, bringing to close look and genuineness about.

Episode 1 of series excerpts: “Find: process” allows us to clearly see move is a medical procedure to have tightly controlled from consulting doctors step treatment, hormones, real-life testing for the next surgery.

Phong grew up in a town in the center of Vietnam – the youngest of six children. From the time he was a young boy, Phong felt like he was a girl with a mismatched boy’s body. Not until he moved to Hanoi to attend university at age twenty did Phong discover that he was not the only one in the world with this predicament.

His dream to “find himself” by physically changing sex becomes a reality several years later. The movie follows Phong’s struggle during these years, with excerpts from his intimate video journal, along with scenes from his encounters with family, friends, work colleagues and doctors – all of whom must come to terms with the boy’s determination to become a complete girl.