
- Medical Doctor Chulalongkorn University (2nd Class Honors), 1977-1983.
- Internship, Ramathibodi Medical School, Thailand, 1983 – 1984.
- Residency training in plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thailand, 1986 – 1989.
- Honorary fellowship, Head and Neck Surgery, Royal Mars den Hospital, London, England, 1993 – 1994.
- Member of the Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Thailand.
- Member of the society of aesthetic surgeons of Thailand.
- Member of the Royal College of Surgeon, Thailand.
- Angspatt A, Yangyuen T, Jindarak S, Chokrungvaranont P, Siriwan P. The role of SMAS flap in preventing Frey’s syndrome following Standard superficial prostatectomy. J Med Assoc Thai. 2004 Jun; 87(6):624-7.
- Benjacholamas V, Jindarak S, Buddhari W. Myocardial Revascularization with the posterior tibial artery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002 Apr; 73(4):1312-4.
- Jindarak S. The combined external and intraoral approach: a new Technique for mandible angle resection. J Med Assoc Thai. 2001 Jun; 84 Supply 1:S289-94.
- Jindarak S, Khobunsongserm S, Tansatit T. The anatomic basis of Fasciocutaneous flap based on the posterior tibia vessels. J Med Assoc Thai. 2001 Jun; 84 Supply 1:S283-8.
- Benjacholamas V, Jindarak S. Posterior tibia artery: a new alternative Graft conduit for redo coronary artery bypass grafts. Chula Med Jun 2000 Apr; 44(4): 277 – 81.
- Pracharitpukdee N, Pracharitpakdee M, Sutantawibon P, Jindarak S. Nasometric assessment using Chula-7 point scale nasality test. Chula Med J 2000 Nov; 44(11): 845 – 57.
- Speaker: Congress Plastic Surgery, Bangkok Thailand in Transsexuals 2003.
English, Thai
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