Sex Reassignment Surgery (MtF surgery)

Pioneer Sex Reassignment Surgery center Bangkok Thailand.
Quoted from patient requesting sex reassignment surgery.
“I am a transgender woman; I have been living as a woman for almost 4 years, taking HRT for 3 years. Despite the positive changes to my body in general, I still feel ‘incomplete’ due to my genitalia being male.
I am deeply embarrassed to be seen naked; sex is awkward and uncomfortable because of the discomfort I feel around my own body. There are many clothes (tight jeans, leggings, etc.) that I feel I cannot wear because of the discomfort I feel when seeing the outline of my male genitals in my pants; I am constantly worried that people may see my genitals and thus ‘out’ me as a trans woman. I just want to look on the outside, the way that I feel on the inside – like any other woman.
I feel that, without this surgery, I will never achieve true happiness and true acceptance of who I am. It is the ‘final step’ in my transition journey. I have realistic expectations; I know that surgery does not guarantee perfect results, self-fulfillment, happiness, and sexually satisfying relationships. But without this surgery, I do not even stand a chance at achieving these things, because for as long as I have a penis, I will feel this hatred of, and lack of connection to, my physical body. This misalignment between my mind and my body has brought so many problems in my life, and I just want to feel ‘whole’ and live my life. I have felt this way for so long, I have truly hated my body since puberty began, and only transitioning to a woman has helped me feel more at ease with myself. But my genitals remain a barrier to self-acceptance, and this is not something I can change without this surgery. I fully see myself as a woman, and I so greatly want my body to reflect that”.
A person who is transsexual embraces a gender identity that is contrary to their biological sex, which is the sex of the body they were born with.
Simply stated, Sex is what you see. Gender is what you feel. Transwomen will perceive themselves as female (though they may have a genetically male body, which is their sex) but exhibit all the traits and expressions of a female behavior.
This is because their gender identity is female. Transsexual physical body reveals the sex they were born with, but their gender identity reveals the diverse elements of the mental-emotional state of being that they align with whether male or female. Transwomen often may feel like they are female trapped in male body. This is a key factor underlying gender dysphoria or the condition of distress caused by the awareness that one’s gender identity, who they perceive themselves to be as a person, does not match their physical sex.
The surgical procedures by which a person’s physical appearance and the function of their existing sexual characteristics, which are altered to resemble that of the opposite sex was initially referred to as Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS). Presently, these procedures are variously referred to and included Genital Reconstruction Surgery (GRS), Sex Affirmation Surgery (SAS), Sex Realignment Surgery (SRS); Gender Change, Gender Reassignment; Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS), Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS), Gender Surgery; or generally speaking, sex-change operation.
At Preecha Aesthetic Institute (PAI), the key factor for patient seeking to undergo sex reassignment surgery their genitals are surgically reconfigured to provide the appearance and function of the opposite sex which the patient identifies with. These surgeries have to further enhance their overall appearance and create a more convincing persona, which can increase their personal confidence and wellbeing. Our group of surgeons have been performed Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) adhere to the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care by follow Thailand Medical regulations relating to Gender Dysphoria (formerly known as gender identity disorder).
As a highwater mark by Associate Professor Dr.Preecha Tiewtranon, MD storied and career, the development of his surgical techniques and methodologies, he started the first male to female sex reassignment surgery since 1975 in Thailand. Early on in his career, Dr. Preecha began to document his philosophies and experiences in the development of SRS/GRS in the context of the transsexual, transgender person. What were the prevailing social and societal attitudes, religious mores, and epidemiology regarding this population; WPATH standards of health and regulation applied to the transsexual patient undergoing SRS/GCS; and laying out a practical pathway the transsexual patient would follow, from psychiatric assessment and evaluation to the actual sex reassignment surgery experience. Between 1983 and 2002, Associate Professor, Dr.Preecha Tiewtranon, provided surgical training for nearly all the surgeons at Chulalongkorn Medical University Hospital. During this time period, Dr. Preecha developed and implemented numerous surgical innovations and refinements, and he himself performed surgery on more than 3,000 patients.
Preecha Aesthetic Institute (PAI) provides many services to benefit and support the transsexual as well as the non-transgender/cross dresser persons of all ages and walks of life. As the pioneer center for sex reassignment surgery Thailand, PAI is committed to serving the needs of patients seeking to undergo this surgery as the final, ultimate expression of their gender identity.
Nowadays, PAI surgeons have been performed over 6,800 successful SRS surgeries using the Penile Skin Inversion Vaginoplasty, Penile Skin Inversion with Scrotal Skin Graft Vaginoplasty, and Sigmoid Colon Graft Vaginoplasty.
Presently, Preecha Aesthetic Institute (PAI) surgeons we are perform Clitoral-labioplasty. Which is the cosmetic and functional refinement of the newly created genitals, when determined necessary. These refinements include , Penile Skin Inversion, Penile Skin Graft, and Sigmoid Colon Graft to neovagina, along surgeries.
The quest to improve surgical and post-operative care techniques continues unabated at Preecha Aesthetic Institute (PAI). For the past 40 years, Associate Professor, Dr. Preecha Tiewtranon MD, Dr. Burin Wangjiraniran MD, FRCS, Dr.Sutin Khobunsongserm MD, have all contributed to the development of the surgical techniques, innovations and refinements for Male to Female (MtF) vaginoplasty surgeries. Major goals include improving techniques that result in increasing the
neovaginal length and width, as well as improved surgical techniques and desired results, all the while preventing complications and improving function and appearance.