It is my hope that you can do my surgeries sometime
in mid February or early March of this year. I am in
the process of getting my passport. I can stay in
Thailand as long as needed.
I am a male to female transsexual, 52 years old,
#feet #inches tall, ### pounds. My health is excellent.
I had a orchectomy about seven years ago, on hormones
for over ten years. I had gastric by-pass surgery in
2000 and have no problems with my weight, any more. I
exercise every day. I am a lacto ovo vegetarian.
I want to finish my SRS the following way if
possible. I will never have sex with a man and have no
interest in penetration into the vagina. I would be
happy to only have depth that would not go past the PC
muscle (Pubo-coccygeous). I do want the labia, vulva
and sensate clitoris (sensate pedicled clitoroplasty).
Everything except a deep vagina done in one surgery
including labia plasty.
I want breast augmentation. My breast development
is good so the implant (textured, silicone) can be
placed over the chest muscle.
The attached photos show the need for eye lid
repair (lift) and I have a lot of excess skin on my
neck due to all the weight loss of three years ago. I
want all the face skin including eyes to be made to
look better than it does now. We can talk about any
additional face work that you would suggest when we
If I have enough money left after having the above
surgeries than I want a mini tummy tuck. I have a lot
of excess skin in the lower abdomen area from the
weight loss. This area would also be a place to take a
skin graph if needed for the SRS.
I realize this is a lot of surgery to be done at
one time but I am strong and handle surgery well. If it
needs to be done in two steps than I will stay in
Thailand for the second surgery, hopefully within a
week of the first surgery
Please give me a price for the SRS, breast and face
surgeries and separate a price for the tummy tuck. I
look forward to traveling to Thailand to see you for my
surgeries soon. You are the only doctor I have
contacted because I want you to do the work. I have
heard so much about your good work. Thank You for your
attention to this matter.
From Miss.B